Clipper Race Clearing the Panama Canal
Date Posted: June 5, 2024
Source: Ed Tillett, Editor-in-Chief

The eleven Clipper Round the World Race boats are queuing up to start the next round of racing and are reentering the Atlantic Ocean. The next host port is Washington, DC. With less than three weeks to go, excitement is building in the nation's capital.

Over 700 amateur sailors have embarked on the race of a lifetime. Now, the 40,000-nautical-mile-race around the world will make its only East Coast stop. Tour the boats, converse with crews, experience live art, and celebrate as yachts from across the globe dock along Washington, DC's vibrant waterfront.

14 Days to the Chesapeake Bay

The bold and colorfully branded yacht the Washington, DC team has called home on its circumnavigation will sail up the Chesapeake Bay, the Potomac River, and into its home port at the end of Leg 7, the USA Coast to Coast Leg. Arrival is expected the week of June 16, 2024.

EventsDC, which hosts an extensive catalogue of sports, entertainment, cultural events, and community engagement, is a Clipper Race Partner and has organized the ultimate maritime celebration. You are invited to kick off summer in Washington, DC with Clipper Race Fleet Week at the Wharf. (See dates and details here.)

"Washington, DC is a world-class destination, and it is an honor for our city to be the start of the eighth and last leg of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race for the very first time," said Events DC President and CEO Angie M. Gates. "As the fleet finishes the seventh leg of the journey, these yachts and their crew will dock in the city and enjoy our waterfronts, rest in our hotels, dine in our restaurants and relish in all that Washington, DC has to offer. Events DC is proud to sponsor a Clipper 70 Yacht in the race and will cheer on our Team Washington, DC as the crew circumnavigates the globe, demonstrating their skill and steadfastness."  

Hannah Brewis & Ella Hebron

Hannah and Ella Headed to Home Port

Skipper Hannah Brewis has been leading the team since departing Portsmouth, UK last year. Interviewed via email while off the coast of Mexico two weeks ago she responded to Waterway Guide's questions.

Q: From your perspective, what are the highlights of the race so far and what will be your lasting memories?  A: For me, the highlight would be coming into Airlie Beach, Australia. We placed 2nd, our best so far and secured us a place on the podium which had been a big goal of mine. The moment was made even better as I was greeted on the dock by my whole family. I will certainly remember that forever. 

Q: Have you been to Washington, DC before? What are you looking forward to about visiting the city?  A: I have not been to Washington, DC before, so saying I'm excited to go there is an understatement. We're not there for too long but I want to see as much as I can, eat some great food, visit come cool bars, see some sporting events as well as just walk around and marvel the capital of the US. 

Ella Hebron is the Additional Qualified Person (AQP), or First Mate for those who use the old nautical designation.

Q: It wasn't long ago that Hannah was in your shoes, very young and participating in the Clipper Race as AQP. Do you see yourself wanting to be a skipper sometime in the future?  A: I have learnt so much from the race and I spend a lot of time writing and reflecting on what we do well and what we could do differently. I've sailed with two different skippers now on the race, with differing strengths and approaches. There are things that I can take away from both of them, and also things that I'd like to do differently. I'd really like the opportunity to skipper the boat myself and craft the skills I have learnt. So yes, I can see myself potentially skippering the race in the future.  

Q: Have you been to Washington, DC before? What are you looking forward to about visiting the city?  A: Yes, I was in Washington, DC in 2012. I was bridesmaid at a close friend's wedding in St Michaels. The first time I sailed on a yacht was in Chesapeake Bay on my way to the wedding. I remember being out late at a piano bar in Georgetown, the museums, and the Lincoln Memorial. My mum and brother are coming to see me (unfortunately my dad can't take time off work this time.) We want to go back to the piano bar. We were 7 and 8 last time and had never heard of bottomless Coke (we weren't even allowed Coke at home). I can remember the excitement when the barman said, "Can I top that up for you buddy?" 

Plan to Join Us

Consider this your invitation to spend an afternoon or a weekend on Washington's waterfront as Waterway Guide Media, Events DC, and the Clipper Round the World Race celebrate Clipper Race Fleet Week and the achievements and commitment of participants, sponsors, and crews. Mark your calendar and follow the race and schedule here. This will be the Clipper's only East Coast stop. Hope to see you there.


Important Links

About the Race

About the Fleet

Ports of Call to Date and Final Leg and Map

Follow the Race boats with the Race Viewer

Take a Tour of a Boat (virtual)

About Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

History of the Race

Crew Stories

Sail Magazine: Sailing the Clipper Race

Race 11 Review

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Prior Coverage

Navigating with the Clipper Fleet

Clipper Round the World Race Headed to D.C.

Clipper Race Rounding Taiwan

5306 Nautical Miles to Seattle

Clipper Race Boats South of the Aleutian Islands

Clipper Race for the Planet

Clipper Race Now Abeam of San Francisco

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