Coast Guard Provides Safety During Dali Transit from Baltimore to the Port of Virginia
Date Posted: June 26, 2024
Source: United States Coast Guard

On June 24th, the cargo ship Dali began its carefully monitored transit from Baltimore to Virginia, almost three months after a significant incident involving the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The Dali, a 984-foot vessel, started its journey shortly before 8:30 a.m., escorted by four tugboats and under its own power.

The Coast Guard Cutter Sailfish, an 87-foot Marine Protector-class patrol boat stationed in Virginia Beach, was tasked with providing a 500-yard safety zone around the Dali throughout the transit. Coast Guard watchstanders at command centers in the Fifth Coast Guard District, in Portsmouth, Virginia, Sector Maryland-National Capital Region and Sector Virginia closely monitor the ship's movement as it transits through each captain of the port zone.

The Dali's journey includes a stop at the Virginia International Gateway, where it is scheduled to offload around 1,500 cargo containers. This operation is essential for reducing the ship's draft and preparing it for further transit to the Norfolk International Terminal, where ongoing salvage and repair efforts will address damages sustained during the earlier bridge collapse.

Throughout the operation, the Coast Guard has issued Safety Marine Information Broadcasts via VHF radio channel 16. These broadcasts serve to keep the maritime community informed of the vessel's progress and any navigational advisories, highlighting the Coast Guard's commitment to maintaining safety and communication during complex maritime operations.

Historic information regarding the Dali and the Key Bridge Response 2024, including past press releases, response statistics, and imagery, is available at 

Comment Submitted by TONY - June 26, 2024

and so where do those 1500 containers go?

Editor note: the plan is to offload some at anchorage then move to Norfolk International Terminals for the remaining units. 

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