Cotuit Bay Moorings



+1 (508) 790-6273


Monitored: 68

Coquiet, MA | N 41° 36.887' / W 070° 25.993'

By the Cotuit Town Dock

Coquiet, MA 02632

Body of Water

Cotuit Bay

Location Reference Point

Cotuit Town Dock

Management Company

Town of Barnstable

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Cotuit Bay Moorings

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A is a facility where you can keep your boat tied in a slip.
(Just making sure you're a real person)

Dock Rates

Moorings - Mooring is labeled with an orange stripe on the mooring ball for an easy visual upon approach.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Moorings Offered: Yes


Pumpout: Yes


This mooring is located in Cotuit Bay and is managed by the Town of Barnstable. The mooring has access to the Cotuit Launch service VHF 68 (operational hours depend on the day). The Cotuit Launch is a privately run service and a fee is required for usage (fee not set by the Town of Barnstable). Mooring is labeled with an orange stripe on the mooring ball for an easy visual upon approach. The mooring has a pick-up buoy. The usage of this mooring is by reservation only. There is a pump-out boat in this area if you need assistance contact VHF09.