Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway



+1 (508) 693-4658


Monitored: 72 | Working: 72

Vineyard Haven, MA | N 41° 27.241' / W 070° 35.972'

30A Beach Road

Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

Body of Water

vineyard haven harbor-vineyard sound

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Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway

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Port is the side of the boat when facing forward.
(Just making sure you're a real person)

Dock Rates

Has moorings. Contact for current rates and information.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Moorings Offered: Yes , 30 moorings


Full service boatyard and marine railway. Experts in wooden boat repair, construction and maintenance. Sperry Sails has a sail loft on location for sail and canvas repair. Gannon and Benjamin maintains around 15 transient moorings in the harbor.