Reviews from Kathy Swan (1)

  • Bridge comment on Blackburn Point Swing Bridge

    Comment by: Kathy Swan on Sep 13, 2019
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 23'

    It was Friday, September 6, 2019 approximately 3:00pm the woman operating the bridge was extremely rude and we waited 30-45 min for her to come out of her shack after waving to her to open the bridge. She saw us and ignored us. When she came out she said “you want me to open the bridge you needed to call”. When I finally went through, she was angry because I started through before the bridge had come to a complete stop. I have never encountered this situation before having been through this bridge numerous times before. This woman was clearly arrogant and on a power trip. You might want to remind her that without boaters, she wouldn’t have a job!

    • WG Editor Comment:

      Bridge tenders only respond to contact via VHF or horn signal.

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