Reviews from Anita Smith (12)
Marina Review for Tenants Harbor Town Dock
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on Jul 19, 2021
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 0.0'Rating: 4
Town dock is convenient to the General Store, The Happy Clam (clam shack, German food and lots of tap beers), and bakery. The Happy Clam had live local music on Sunday afternoon, and their deck is pet-friendly.
The bakery is open Tues-Fri so we could not sample it. The famous Cod's End/Luke's is closed. Channel is marked with numbered green and orange poly floats. We moored with the marina and booked through Dockwa. Look for the mooring ball number on TOP of the white float, written with a Sharpie (difficult to see). Very friendly staff.View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer
Anchorage Review for The Basin
Reviewed by: Anita Smith on Jul 13, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Overall Rating:5Holding:5Wind Protection:5Current Flow:2Wake Protection:5Scenic Beauty:5Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:3Pet Friendly:5Cell Service:4Entrance is not marked but follows the electronic charts. Opens up to large anchorage with a few private moorings and only a few houses surrounding. Can be noisy if there is a yacht club group.
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Marina Review for Alligator River Marina
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on May 9, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 4
9’ on approach from main channel. Once at the daymakers at the entrance the depth goes to 5.2 ft until you reach the face dock on the left and then it goes back down to 8’. Great protection inside. We were charged $1.75/ft w/o electric which seemed high for what it is there. Certainly a good stop between Belhaven and Elizabeth City. diesel was $2.43.
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Free Dock Review for Mariners' Wharf, Elizabeth City
Reviewed by: Anita Smith on May 9, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 1
Currently closed with “NO DOCKING” signs posted on every slip, presumably because of COVID.
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Marina Review for Belhaven Town Dock at Wynne's Gut
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on May 5, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 4
Watch for the big white sign for Wynnes Cut Town Docks. There is a narrow approach channel with 8 ft depth off the Main harbor channel well marked by pilings. Stay in between those and do not try to go outside on the East to the end to the bulkhead where the sign is as there are numerous pilings just under the surface. Normal depth dockside 7.5 feet. Depth with NW wind blowing, 6.5 feet. There is very little turn around room, so easiest just to set for a starboard tie and then once on the dock warp the boat around for a port tie facing out. The cut is wide enough to allow this for a 50 ft boat. Free WiFi, but a bit weak out on the docks. Water and 30A power on the docks. Also a floating dock in the back for dinghies. If the dock looks full check just past the floating dock as there appears to be room for another boat there. The dock is right next to the main st with restaurants and the hardware store. No groceries or fuel nearby.
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Free Dock Review for Harding's Landing Marina, Bath State Dock
Reviewed by: Anita Smith on May 3, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 4
Easy harbor approach day or night. Watch for crab pots at markers #1 and #2. 8-9 ft depth to marker #4. 7-8 ft after #4 to State Dock. State dock is just south of the marina, clearly marked with green sign. 6-7 ft dockside, where three 40-50 ft boats are easily accommodated. No water or electricity. Piling some are newer and robust. Decking is old and worn so watch your step. See signs to register at Visitor’s Center. 72 hours allowed free. Good anchorage in the harbor if docks are full, which happens on weekends. ABC store is stocked with a wide variety: better than most. General Store and Dollar General within easy walk for basics. Lots of interesting history in town. Definitely worth a stop.
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Marina Review for Morehead City Yacht Basin
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on Apr 27, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 4
Very protected and professional staff. Will fuel you in your slip. Easy walk to waterfront attractions. A bit noisy near the port terminal. A great stop when transiting north or south.
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Anchorage Review for Alligator River - Tuckahoe Point
Reviewed by: Anita Smith on Apr 27, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:3Current Flow:4Wake Protection:2Scenic Beauty:5Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:2WiFi:1A great place to anchor before or after The alligator River. We stopped at sunset Dec 2019 southbound so that we would not meet the mammoth barges in the Alligator Canal at night. Good wind protection all around except NE. Firm mud holding. Few houses and almost no power boat traffic except for tugs.
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Marina Review for Washington Waterfront Docks
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on Apr 26, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 5
This is a MUST visit destination that is overlooked by many. 7+ ft. Channel depths all the way up the Pamlico River and only a six inch tide with virtually no current, except when strong winds are out of the West. The people and town are delightful and the harbor master and dock crew are top notch. 48 hours of free dockage w/o power or water. Then $.75/ft. Or $1.25/ft with power and water. Although the chart does not show it there is also plenty of room to anchor across from the town docks in 6-12ft of water and use the dinghy dock at the NW end of the town docks. Also, an easy 6 block walk to West Marine with a good seafood market next door. Lots of history and restaurants to explore. The RR bridge at the entrance to the harbor is open except 9-11am. Call the bridge tender on vhf 16 during those times and he may be able to open for you. Then call the dockmaster on ch16 to ask for a berth. Dock side depths 12’. Boats often come for two nights and stay for several weeks!
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Anchorage Review for Neuse River - South River
Reviewed by: Anita Smith on Apr 26, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:3Current Flow:5Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:4Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:2Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:2WiFi:1A very large bay where you can anchor pretty much anywhere and can move around to get wind protection from almost any direction except north. Cell coverage is weak and gets almost nonexistent in the south end of the bay.
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Marina Review for R. E. Mayo Seafood Marine Supply
Reviewed by:
Anita Smith on Apr 26, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 4
Fixed docks with 15 amp power. $.40 per foot, very reasonable. Outhouses only. Good flash frozen seafood selection and commercial style chandlery. Nice people, a really fun lowland stop! Only two bars of cell coverage on Verizon. Don’t miss this even for just a day stop!
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Bridge comment on SR 74 Bridge
Comment by: Anita Smith on Apr 1, 2020
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Verified vertical clearance is 14', not 20' as listed in the Waterway Guide and Navionics.
We went through the bridge today at near high tide. We phoned the bridge tender when we noticed the discrepancy. He informed us that the draft board was correct, reading 14 feet, which was at the outside ends of the span. He said that the middle of the span may be 3 feet higher, but gave no definite number.-
WG Editor Comment:
NOAA Chart indicates 20 feet.
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