Port Salerno Marine



+1 (772) 223-5022


Monitored: 16

Port Salerno, FL | N 27° 08.832' / W 080° 11.782'

4715 SE DeSoto Ave

Port Salerno, FL 34992

Body of Water

Manatee Pocket


Jack Sharp

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Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Port Salerno Marine

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
A life preserver or PFD is formally referred to as a Personal Device.
(Just making sure you're a real person)


15 Amps: No
20 Amps: No
30 Amps: Yes
50 Amps: Yes
100 Amps: No
200+ Amps: No
Do-It-Yourself Allowed: Yes
Haulout Price: $11.00
Block Price (per ft.): $9.50
Lay Day Fee: $29.82
Lay Days Free: 1

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Payment Methods

VISA / MasterCard / Discover / AMEX / CASH

Repair Capabilities

Do it yourself


Haulout Capabilities

Travel Lift: Yes; 25 ton max, 15 ft. max beam
Travel Lift 2: No
Crane: No
Railway: No
Dry Storage: No
Restaurant: offsite ; 0.20 miles